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Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV). Read also: Bible Quiz on Romans 1 – 16 by Apostle Paul and Article of Religion.

Quiz on Esther Chapter 1

  1. What is the name of the king mentioned in Esther Chapter 1? A: Ahasuerus.
  2. Where did King Ahasuerus reign? A: From India to Ethiopia, over 127 provinces.
  3. What did King Ahasuerus do for 180 days? A: He displayed the riches of his kingdom and the splendor of his majesty.
  4. Who refused to come when the king called for his seven princes? A: Queen Vashti.
  5. What was the punishment for Queen Vashti’s refusal to come? A: She was banished from the king’s presence.
  6. What did the king’s servants suggest he do after Vashti’s refusal? A: Find a new queen.
  7. Who advised the king on how to find a new queen? A: The king’s counselors.
  8. How many young women were gathered to the king’s palace for the beauty contest? A: Many young women, but the exact number is not given.
  9. Who was in charge of the women’s preparations for the beauty contest? A: Hegai, the king’s eunuch.
  10. What did each woman receive before being presented to the king? A: Twelve months of beauty treatments.
  11. What was Esther’s original name? A: Hadassah.
  12. Who was Esther’s cousin and guardian? A: Mordecai.
  13. How did Esther come to be in the palace for the beauty contest? A: She was taken there with the other young women.
  14. How did Esther win the favor of Hegai and the king? A: She was kind and obedient.
  15. What did the king give Esther when he made her queen? A: A royal crown.
  16. Who were the guests at the king’s banquet in Esther Chapter 1? A: All the officials and servants of the king.
  17. How long did the banquet last? A: Seven days.
  18. What did the king order his officials to do at the end of the banquet? A: To serve wine in golden goblets.
  19. Why was the king’s command unusual? A: The goblets were made of gold, not the usual silver.
  20. What did the king’s command reveal about his wealth and extravagance? A: He was extremely wealthy and extravagant.

Read also: Quiz on Anglican 2 – Complete Questions (500 Full Questions)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 2

  1. What did the king’s servants suggest he do after Vashti was banished? A: Find a new queen.
  2. How were the young women brought to the palace for the beauty contest? A: They were brought from all the provinces of the kingdom.
  3. What was the role of the king’s eunuch Hegai in the beauty contest? A: He was in charge of the young women’s preparations.
  4. What did Hegai give Esther before she was presented to the king? A: Special cosmetics and food.
  5. What did Esther do when it was her turn to be presented to the king? A: She asked for nothing except what Hegai advised her.
  6. What was the king’s reaction to Esther? A: He loved her more than all the other women and made her queen.
  7. Who revealed a plot to assassinate the king? A: Mordecai, Esther’s cousin and guardian.
  8. What did Mordecai refuse to do when he learned of the assassination plot? A: Bow down to Haman, a high-ranking official.
  9. Who was Haman? A: An Agagite, an enemy of the Jews.
  10. What did Haman plan to do to the Jews? A: Destroy them.
  11. What was the response of the king’s officials to Haman’s plan? A: They did not object to it.
  12. How did Mordecai learn of Haman’s plan? A: Through a copy of the decree sent to all the provinces.
  13. What did Mordecai urge Esther to do? A: Intercede with the king to save her people.
  14. Why was Esther hesitant to approach the king? A: It was against the law to approach the king without being summoned.
  15. What did Esther ask her people to do? A: Fast for three days and nights.
  16. How did the king respond when Esther approached him? A: He held out his scepter to her, indicating his acceptance.
  17. What did Esther invite the king and Haman to? A: A banquet.
  18. What was Haman’s reaction to being invited to Esther’s banquet? A: He was elated.
  19. What happened that night that caused the king to have trouble sleeping? A: He read about Mordecai’s role in revealing the assassination plot.
  20. What did the king do the next morning? A: He asked Haman for advice on how to honor someone who had pleased him.

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 3

  1. Who did the king promote to the highest position in his court? A: Haman.
  2. What did the king’s servants do when Haman entered the court? A: They bowed down to him.
  3. Who refused to bow down to Haman? A: Mordecai.
  4. Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman? A: He was a Jew and would not bow down to anyone but God.
  5. How did Haman react to Mordecai’s refusal to bow down to him? A: He was filled with rage.
  6. What did Haman decide to do in response to Mordecai’s refusal to bow down to him? A: Destroy all the Jews in the kingdom.
  7. How did Haman convince the king to agree to his plan? A: He told the king that the Jews did not obey the king’s laws.
  8. What was the result of the king’s agreement to Haman’s plan? A: A decree was issued allowing the destruction of all Jews in the kingdom.
  9. When was the decree to destroy the Jews issued? A: In the first month, which is the month of Nisan.
  10. How were the Jews in the kingdom affected by the decree? A: They were filled with great mourning.
  11. What did Esther’s maids tell her about Mordecai? A: That he was dressed in sackcloth and ashes.
  12. What did Esther do when she heard about Mordecai’s mourning? A: She sent him new clothes, but he refused them.
  13. What did Mordecai ask Esther to do? A: To plead with the king to save the Jews.
  14. What was Esther’s response to Mordecai’s request? A: She was afraid to approach the king without being summoned.
  15. What did Mordecai tell Esther about her position as queen? A: That perhaps she had been made queen for such a time as this.
  16. What did Esther tell Mordecai to do? A: To gather all the Jews in the city to fast and pray.
  17. What did Esther say she would do after the fast? A: She would go to the king and plead for her people.
  18. What did Haman do after the king agreed to his plan? A: He had a gallows built to hang Mordecai.
  19. What did Haman’s friends suggest he do to Mordecai? A: To hang him on the gallows.
  20. What did Haman do when he saw Esther in the king’s court? A: He was filled with fear and tried to hide his emotions.


Quiz on Esther Chapter 4

  1. What did Mordecai do when he learned of the decree to destroy the Jews? A: He mourned, wept, and went into the city dressed in sackcloth and ashes.
  2. What did Esther’s maids tell her about Mordecai’s mourning? A: They told her that he was dressed in sackcloth and ashes and was wailing in the city.
  3. What did Esther send to Mordecai when she heard about his mourning? A: Clothes to replace his sackcloth.
  4. What did Mordecai refuse to do when Esther sent him new clothes? A: He refused to accept them.
  5. What did Esther ask Mordecai to do? A: To gather all the Jews in the city to fast and pray for her for three days and nights.
  6. What did Esther say she would do after the fast? A: She would go to the king, even though it was against the law, to plead for her people.
  7. What did Mordecai tell Esther about her position as queen? A: That perhaps she had been made queen for such a time as this.
  8. What did Esther tell her maids to do? A: To fast with her and to pray for her.
  9. What did Esther put on before going to see the king? A: Her royal robes.
  10. How did the king respond when Esther entered his court? A: He held out his scepter to her, indicating his acceptance.
  11. What did Esther invite the king and Haman to? A: A banquet.
  12. What did the king say when Esther invited him and Haman to the banquet? A: He accepted the invitation and told Esther to make her request.
  13. What did Haman do after the banquet with Esther and the king? A: He saw Mordecai and became even angrier.
  14. What did Haman’s wife and friends suggest he do to Mordecai? A: To have a gallows built and hang him on it.
  15. How high was the gallows that Haman had built? A: Fifty cubits high.
  16. What did the king do when he couldn’t sleep? A: He had the book of records read to him.
  17. What did the records reveal about Mordecai? A: That he had saved the king’s life by revealing a plot against him.
  18. What did the king ask Haman to do for Mordecai? A: To honor him and lead him through the city on horseback.
  19. What did Esther reveal to the king at the second banquet? A: That she was a Jew and that her people were in danger of being destroyed.
  20. What was the king’s reaction to Esther’s revelation? A: He was angry and asked who was responsible for the decree.

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 5

  1. What did Esther do on the third day of her fast? A: She dressed in her royal robes and went to see the king.
  2. What did the king do when he saw Esther? A: He held out his scepter to her.
  3. What did Esther invite the king and Haman to? A: Another banquet.
  4. What did Haman do after the banquet with Esther and the king? A: He left happy but was angry when he saw Mordecai at the king’s gate.
  5. What did Haman’s friends suggest he do to Mordecai? A: To have a gallows built and hang him on it.
  6. What did Haman do after deciding to build the gallows? A: He went to the king to ask for permission to hang Mordecai.
  7. What did the king ask Haman to do for Mordecai? A: To lead him through the city on horseback, wearing the king’s robe and crown.
  8. What did Haman do when he saw Mordecai being honored? A: He went home mourning and in despair.
  9. Who else was at the second banquet with the king and Esther? A: Haman.
  10. What did the king ask Esther at the second banquet? A: What her request was.
  11. What did Esther ask for at the second banquet? A: For her people’s lives to be spared and for her own life to be saved.
  12. Who did Esther accuse of wanting to destroy her people? A: Haman.
  13. How did the king respond to Esther’s accusation? A: He was angry and left the room.
  14. What did Haman do when he realized he was in trouble? A: He begged Esther for mercy.
  15. What did the king do when he returned to the room? A: He saw Haman on Esther’s couch and became even angrier.
  16. What did the king order to happen to Haman? A: He was hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai.
  17. What did the king give to Esther? A: He gave her Haman’s estate.
  18. What did Esther ask the king to do for her people? A: To issue a new decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves.
  19. What did the Jews do after the new decree was issued? A: They defended themselves against their enemies.
  20. How many of their enemies did the Jews kill? A: 75,000.


Quiz on Esther Chapter 6

  1. What happened on the night of the king’s insomnia? A: He ordered the book of records to be read to him.
  2. What did the book of records reveal? A: That Mordecai had once saved the king’s life.
  3. What did the king ask about Mordecai’s honor? A: What had been done to honor him.
  4. Who was in the king’s court when the king asked about Mordecai’s honor? A: Haman.
  5. What did the king ask Haman to do for Mordecai? A: To dress him in royal robes and lead him through the city on horseback.
  6. What did Haman do for Mordecai? A: He dressed him in royal robes and led him through the city on horseback.
  7. What did Haman do after leading Mordecai through the city? A: He went home mourning.
  8. Who was with Haman when he went home mourning? A: His wife and friends.
  9. What did Haman’s wife suggest he do? A: To build a gallows and have Mordecai hanged on it.
  10. What did the king’s eunuchs suggest to him about Haman? A: To have him hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
  11. What did the king order to be done to Haman? A: He was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
  12. What did the king ask Esther about Mordecai and Haman? A: What she wanted done with them.
  13. What did Esther ask the king about the new decree? A: To allow the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies.
  14. How did the king respond to Esther’s request? A: He issued a new decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves.
  15. What did the Jews do in response to the new decree? A: They defended themselves against their enemies.
  16. How many of their enemies did the Jews kill? A: 75,000.
  17. What did the Jews do on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  18. How did the Jews celebrate their victory? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  19. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  20. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 7

  1. What did Esther invite the king and Haman to? A: A banquet.
  2. What did the king ask Esther at the banquet? A: What she wanted.
  3. What did Esther tell the king at the banquet? A: That she and her people had been sold to be destroyed.
  4. Who did Esther accuse of wanting to destroy her people? A: Haman.
  5. How did the king react to Esther’s accusation? A: He left the room in anger.
  6. What did Haman do when the king left the room? A: He begged Esther for his life.
  7. What did the king see when he returned to the room? A: Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was.
  8. What did the king think Haman was doing to Esther? A: Trying to harm her.
  9. What did one of the king’s servants suggest about the gallows? A: That Haman should be hanged on it.
  10. What did the king order to be done to Haman? A: He was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
  11. What did the king give to Esther? A: Haman’s house and possessions.
  12. Who did Esther ask to revoke the decree against the Jews? A: The king.
  13. What did the king give to Mordecai? A: Haman’s signet ring.
  14. Who was given the task of writing a new decree? A: The king’s scribes.
  15. What did the new decree allow the Jews to do? A: To defend themselves against their enemies.
  16. How did the Jews react to the new decree? A: They rejoiced and celebrated.
  17. What did the Jews do on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  18. How did the Jews celebrate their victory? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  19. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  20. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.


Quiz on Esther Chapter 8

  1. What did the king do for Esther after Haman was hanged? A: He gave her Haman’s house and possessions.
  2. What did Esther do with Haman’s house and possessions? A: She gave them to Mordecai.
  3. What did Esther tell the king when he asked her what she wanted? A: To revoke the decree against the Jews.
  4. What did the king give to Esther and Mordecai? A: His signet ring.
  5. Who was given the task of writing a new decree? A: The king’s scribes.
  6. What did the new decree allow the Jews to do? A: To defend themselves against their enemies.
  7. What did the Jews do in response to the new decree? A: They rejoiced and celebrated.
  8. How did the Jews celebrate their victory? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  9. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  10. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.
  11. How many provinces did the new decree apply to? A: 127 provinces.
  12. What did the Jews do on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  13. How did the Jews celebrate their victory? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  14. Who was given the task of carrying out the new decree? A: The king’s messengers.
  15. What did the Jews do in response to the new decree? A: They defended themselves against their enemies.
  16. How many of their enemies did the Jews kill? A: 75,000.
  17. What did the Jews do on the fourteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  18. How did the Jews celebrate on the fourteenth day of Adar? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  19. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  20. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 9

  1. What did the Jews do on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: They defended themselves against their enemies.
  2. How many of their enemies did the Jews kill on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: 500.
  3. Who did the Jews kill on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: Haman’s ten sons.
  4. What did the king ask Esther when he learned about the deaths on the thirteenth day of Adar? A: If she had any more requests.
  5. What did Esther ask the king to allow the Jews to do? A: To defend themselves for one more day.
  6. What did the Jews do on the fourteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  7. How did the Jews celebrate their victory? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  8. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  9. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.
  10. How many of their enemies did the Jews kill on the fourteenth day of Adar? A: 75,000.
  11. What did the Jews do on the fifteenth day of Adar? A: They rested and celebrated.
  12. How did the Jews celebrate on the fifteenth day of Adar? A: With feasting and sending gifts to one another.
  13. What did the Jews establish as a new holiday? A: The holiday of Purim.
  14. What did the holiday of Purim commemorate? A: The Jews’ deliverance from their enemies.
  15. What did Mordecai do to commemorate the holiday of Purim? A: He wrote a letter to all the Jews in the kingdom.
  16. What did the letter from Mordecai instruct the Jews to do? A: To celebrate the holiday of Purim every year.
  17. What did the letter from Mordecai say about the celebration of Purim? A: That it should include feasting, sending gifts to one another, and giving gifts to the poor.
  18. What did the Jews call the letter from Mordecai? A: The Book of Esther.
  19. What did the Book of Esther become part of? A: The Hebrew Bible.
  20. What did the Book of Esther remind the Jews of? A: God’s protection and deliverance of his people.

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV)

Quiz on Esther Chapter 10

  1. Who is mentioned at the beginning of Esther Chapter 10? A: King Ahasuerus.
  2. What did the king do to promote his kingdom? A: He imposed tribute on the land and the islands of the sea.
  3. Who is mentioned at the end of Esther Chapter 10? A: Mordecai.
  4. What was Mordecai’s position in the kingdom? A: He was second in rank to King Ahasuerus.
  5. What did Mordecai do for the Jews? A: He worked for their welfare and spoke peace to all their people

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 – 10 (RSV).

Bible Quiz on the Book of Esther Chapter 1 - 10 (RSV)