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How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions – Onion oil for butt enlargement

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions – Onion oil for butt enlargement

So, I ran across the secret magic onions for a bigger butt recipe on the internet. I put calls to girls who are into butt enlargement and they confirmed it works. In this post, I shall teach you a simple way to make a booty or enlarged butt with just a magic onions oil, vaseline, and extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil or Avacado oil. How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions – Onion oil for butt enlargement. You may read: How to use Okra and Olive oil for Bigger Butt and Breasts ~ But and Bust Enlargement

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How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions - Onion oil for butt enlargement

The new trend now among the ladies is growing the butt. Many girls who do not like the size of their buttocks are seeking means to make them bigger. Some are undergoing surgery to achieve this task. Others are using and drinking all sorts of concoctions.

One thing about all of these is that they all come with side effects. Like there are unlucky ones who have died while undergoing butt surgery. Others are left with incurable live scares and wounds.

The other time, the news break of a certain lady who died in one of the Lagos hospitals because she was using Maggi/Knorr cube spices for butt enlargement. You may read the story here: using Maggi/Knorr for Butt Enlargement.

However, we are not denying the fact that there are also other safe ways of making butt enlargement. Those methods are known for using just natural ingredients and it is working for them. In this post, we are going to discuss how to use one of these safe methods called Onions Booty enlargement.

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions – Onion oil for butt enlargement

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions - Onion oil for butt enlargement

To make a bigger butt at home with magic onions, here are the requirements:

  • Grater
  • Fresh Onion
  • Vaseline
  • Extra virgin Olive Oil (Coconut Oil, Avacado Oil) You can use any of the oil as long as they are organic.

Step 1 of making a bigger butty at home with onions

Get one big fresh onion and cut it into 4 equal parts. Turn the grater to the tiniest grating blade. That is, that grating face that gives pulp after grating. What I mean here is that a grater has four different faces. These faces give different sizes of grates when used to grate anything. You should use the tiniest grating blade for the onions.

The tiniest grating blade

After grating, gather the pulp and put it into a clean plate or a container with a lid.

Step 2

Use a baby spoon to scoop a spoonful of vaseline once into the onions pulp. Use the same spoon measurement for the olive or coconut oil (once). Pour all of them into the onions pulp in the plate and start mixing with the baby spoon.

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions - Onion oil for butt enlargement

Step 3

After you are done mixing and everything has come together, that is your Onion butt Oil. Rub the onions mixture lavishly on your butt and start massaging. You need to massage for 5 minutes to allow your skin to absorb all the oil.


While you are massaging, you will notice pieces of onions on your skin. You can remove them as you massage. But there is a sure way to avoid having this onions debris. It is by using a BLENDER to blend your onions. Yes, we recommended a grater so we don’t, discourage those who do not have a blender at home.

Again, don’t do it in a large quantity. Just prepare the ones that will last for one week for you. So, after one week you, should discard any remains and do another one to get all the freshness and the desired results. One big onion is actually enough for you for the week.

How to use Homemade Onions Oil for Butt enlargement:

Using homemade onion oil for butt enlargement is very easy. Apply the mixture on the skin of your butt and massage. Do it before bedtime. You may read how to process organic coconut oil at home – homemade cold-press coconut oil.

It should be done once a day. When you apply it, you will notice a tingling or a small burning sensation on your skin. Don’t worry, it is the effects of the onions on your skin. You may read here the works of raw onions on the skin and body.

What about the dosage? The normal dosage for butt enlargement onion oil is once in two days. That is, if you apply it today, You should skip tomorrow and apply it the next tomorrow. Apply until you start getting the desired result.

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions - Onion oil for butt enlargement

How do you Preserve the remaining Onion Butt enlargement oil?

What about the remaining mixture? How do you preserve it to avoid losing its potency? It is very simple. Just use a tight lid and cover the container. Or pour the remaining one inside a clean small cream-like container and cover it. Keep it inside a refrigerator (note, I didn’t say freezer), I said refrigerator.

Also, make sure that anyone you prepare does not stay more than one week. Thanks, please like and share with others.

How to make Bigger Butt with Magic Onions – Onion oil for butt enlargement


This is what we have told you: to make a bigger butt at home with magic onions, you need to have the following:

  • Grater
  • Fresh Onion
  • Vaseline
  • Extra virgin Olive Oil (Coconut Oil, Avacado Oil) You can use any of the oil as long as they are organic.

Then, follow the steps and the advice above for the best results. Remember to check our health tips at

Image Credit: Rose Reigns TV

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