Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
For someone looking for how to write a church conference address, here is one. Sample of Church Conference Address, including Conference Theme is not that so easy to write if you are not inspired. But we have made it easy for you. Here is the Sample of the Church Conference Address (Conference Theme).
Cover Page
Women’s Unit Conference
Mrs. Njideka Favour Mkparu
Theme: “I KNOW WHO I AM”.
1 PETER 2: 9.
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
The Diocesan Women President, MU/WG and GG, Dr. (Mrs.) J. N. Chukwuma – Diamond Mummy, Mama Enugu and Mama Province.
The Archdeacons’s Wife – Mrs. Nonyelum Egemba,
The Archdeacon – Ven. Arinze Egemba
The Priest – Rev. Arinze Mkparu
The Church Teacher and all group leaders here present,
Our Able Chairpersons and the Assistant,
The Women Executives and the group leaders,
The PCC Members,
Special Guests and the distinguished delegates,

Welcome Note
With joy in my heart, I say welcome to this year’s Women’s Unit Conference. It is a special year of Divine keeping by our merciful God. It is the year of “what God cannot do does not exist”. We actually witnessed it.
I bring you peace and good tidings from my family in Jesus’ Name, Amen. Thank you for finding time to attend this years’ conference. I welcome all of you to the All Souls’ Church Women’s Unit Conference. It is an annual event and, God in His Great Mercy has granted us the opportunity to hold this year’s conference despite all the odds. To God be all the Glory forever in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I must also use this opportunity to appreciate the women of All Souls. They have been wonderful and supportive in our Ministry. You people gave me and my husband a soft landing; the workloads on us become light.
Thanking you too for always asking after us. Thank you for allowing us to work with you in the Lord’s vineyard. Thank you again for tolerating us and taking us as part of your own family. Thank you again for carrying our burdens as if they are yours and thank you again for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to work for God in this small but mighty Church.
I pray that this zeal which is in you today will never quench in the Name of Jesus. Amen. I pray for you: Lines will fall in pleasant places for you and your loved ones. The Lord will continually be your shield and buckler. May you and your family never know any shame in the name of Jesus. Amen
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
Women Activity
The Women’s Open Year Retreat was held at the Archdeaconry level in order to comply with the Covid-19 observation measure. Our women came out in large numbers to attend that of our Archdeaconry at All Saints Church G. R. A. The theme of the Opening Year’s Retreat is “Be a faithful Steward” 1 Cor. 4: 1-2.
In addition, the Women of All Souls’ Church opened the year’s meeting with a prayer and fasting program on the theme; “That I may know You and Serve You More”. We had a guest speaker who fed us with spiritual food.
Our Women’s monthly meeting holds twice a month. The meeting days and times are the 2nd Mondays of the month, 5 pm and Saturdays, after Sanctuary keepings.
There are low turn-ups in our monthly meetings due to the location of the church and the time.
We tried to fix the meeting at two different times; it favoured some fractions of the women. So, we have devised new means to meet.
We are taking the meeting to zones and we have recorded mass turnouts during the gatherings.
Church cleaning is done every Saturday morning by the Sanctuary Keepers. However, this role has seemed to be shifted to the women. The women have taken over church cleaning in All Souls Church with just a few Sanctuary keepers who join them. They are always coming out in great numbers every Saturday morning to clean the house of God.
We pray that as we clean God’s house, He will also clean our lives, houses, spiritually and physically, in Jesus’ Name, Amen. We also encourage those who are not coming to see this task as a calling and try to participate.
Our women participate fully in every Archdeaconry and Diocesan activity. The Easter early morning cry was done in the church premises by few women who came out, wearing their white garments. We also participated during the Widow’s conference.
The 2021 Mothering Sunday was a huge success for the glory of God. This year’s Mothering Sunday was so spectacular because the women for the first time did Mothering Sunday by themselves without going outside to beg for assistance.
God made name for Himself during Mothering Sunday. We all learned to trust in God in all things not in fellow human beings because human being disappoints.
The women of All Souls and church members raised all the money for all things. Money realized from Mothering Sunday was used for the paying of Assessments and other dues to the glory of God. To date, some women are trying hard to redeem the pledge they made during Mothering Sunday. NDI NNE ALL SOULS’ CHURCH MAAA MMA! JESUS BU IKE ANYI OO!!!
The dates for our conferences have been stipulated. Today, 29th May 2021 is our Unit Conference. 5th of June is our Parish Conference which will hold at Chapel of the Pentecost, Ekulu West. It is mandatory that every woman will attend the Parish Conference.
God will give us the grace and the enablement to attend all these conferences in Jesus’ Name, Amen. May you also receive His blessings as you attend in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Girls Guild organization in All Souls is waxing stronger; unlike the state we met them. Anytime we call on the girls, they always answer, to the Glory of God. Kudos to you, parents.
We had women and girls for women’s guild and Girls’ Guild enrolment during the 2020 Enrolment in the Diocese. The candidates were dully prepared and examined by our Archdeacon’s wife, Mrs. Nonye Egemba.
However, the women were not able to continue with the enrolment due to their inability to meet up with the necessary dues for the enrolment preparatory. The women absconded at the end, leaving only the girls.
A total of 3 girls was enrolled into the Girls’ Guild in 2020. We urge all those who wish to be enrolled into the Mothers’ Union to get prepared on time to avoid what happened the last time, likewise the girls.
Our project is joining hands in building the children worship Centre (ACM) and payment of all our stocks and Assessments. Unfortunately, the women have not been able to do any financial commitment this year regarding the ongoing church project. This is because we are battling to complete our assessments and conference levies both at the Parish and Diocesan levels.
We are still trusting in God to help in this area. We have it in mind to achieve a particular tangible project this year for God.
All Souls’ Women Ministry does not own any dues and levies. We have cleared all the 2020/2021 dues, levies, and Assessments. The only thing left under our name is the outstanding old debt by my first predecessor xxxxx.
I inherited about one hundred and twenty thousand Naira debt. We have tried to settle the debt and it remains xxxxxxx Naira. Every year, while paying for our stock, we make some payments on the old debt. This way, it is going down. God will help us to clear it all.
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
State of the Nation (NIGERIAN NEWS)
Nigeria is in the hands of God. If not, what can we say? If you start listening to the media and other propaganda, you will pack your bags and run into the bush. Even the bushes are no longer safe. The deadly herdsmen lurk in the bushes, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
There are many ugly challenges facing our dear country, Nigeria. It is no longer corruption alone, terrorism and agitations have taken over the days. The Yorubas are agitating, the Arewas are doing their own and the Biafrans have set the highest gear in pursuing theirs.
Killing and maiming fellow humans is no longer a big deal in the country. The lives of the citizens are now equal to that of an animal. Even some animals’ lives are valued more than that of humans.
The State of the Nation
The marginalization of the Igbo tribe is pronounced in the Buhari-led administration that they are no longer given high political appointments. The recent Aircraft crash that involved the Nigeria Chief of Army Staff (COAF), Gen Attahiru, and ten others made this claim bare.
Out of 11 persons that died in the plane crash, including the Chief of Staff, none is an Igbo man. It now boils down to the claim made by the IPOB leader, Maazi Nnamdi Kanu that Igbos is not part of the security meetings of the country.
All the members of the Army staff who attended the meeting to discuss the affairs of the Nations are Hausas, Fulanis, and the Yorubas, no single Igbo man was there.
Whatever they discussed there against the Igbos, none will know about it. It is very pathetic. There was indeed a Nation. Our country, Nigeria, is on the verge of collapse. It is God that will help us.
But we are confident of what St. John says in John 16: 33; “…Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world”. We take solace in the fact that we know who we are. No matter the country or the space we find ourselves in, it has not changed our identity in Christ Jesus.
Join me and sing this song… Elu mee, ala mee. Ihe nma na Jesus na-adi ndu.
Our joys have outweighed our sorrows. We have Jesus, we have joy and we have strength. We have celebrated another year without the death or burial of any member of All Souls Church. Praiseeeeeee the Lorddddd!!!!
Some of our women were blessed with new babies; one among them gave birth to twins (two boys). Our daughters got married. We want to thank God for the successful marriage of Mrs. xxxxx’s daughter, Oxxxx, and also the marriage of Mrs. xxxxxx’s daughter, Ngozi xxxxxxm.
Our sons and daughters graduated from Universities and some got admission. Our members bought cars and some were blessed with grandchildren.
Unu siri Jesus gini?
- Some of our women lost their loved ones. We console those who lost their mothers and father.
- xxxxxxx lost her Father
- xxxxxx lost her Mother
- xxxxxx lost her mother
- xxxxxx lost her Mother
- xxxxxx lost her father
Can we stand and observe a moment of silence? May the souls of the faithful departed and all the Saints triumphant rest in the bosom of our Lord, Amen. May the good Lord give them fortitude to bear the losses in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
The phrase, I know who I am, is a word of reassurance and confidence. It is every believer’s ID Card. It props up when there is an issue of identity.
It is normal to see people who are in an argument and they ask each other who are you? Do you know who I am?
I know who I am, when it is asked as a question form or said directly emphasizes the amount of confidence a person has in him or herself. When used the other way round, an unprepared person can be taken unaware and begins to stutter with words.
I know a man who recently badged his Ph.D. and was made a Professor in his discipline. This achievement entered his head and he begins to brag about it. He devised means to humiliate ordinary people with his academic elevation, I mean anybody.
The moment he sees you in any gathering, he will walk up to you and offers a handshake. He will then say, “I am Dr. Prof. Zii. And You are?”
Imagine someone who did not complete his or her secondary school education and he approaches such a person makes his usual unsolicited introduction. The person will be taken unaware and in most cases, humiliated.
For Dr. Prof. Zii, he doesn’t need to pause and ponder or begins to reflect on the answer to give. He already knows who he is.
The moment someone asks you whether you know who he or she is, the next thing is for you to pause and ponder. This phrase, I know who I am most times triggers questions like who are you? Who do you think you are? Are you the President?
However, this is not what we are here for and this is not what we want to talk about here. We are not asking for our Bio identity or academic profiles. We already know all of these. Some of you can explain one another even better than I can.
But when it comes to this identification we are talking about, you alone, Jesus, the Holy Spirit know about it alone, even Satan knows too.
◄ 1 Peter 2:9 ►
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:”
The Epistle of Peter was written by St. Peter who is one of the 12 disciples. At the beginning of this verse (9), note these words “But ye”. Like St. Paul, St. Peter turns with an outburst of triumph to the happier and more practical, and attractive theme. He was referring to the body of Christ as you and I today.
That is to say that this message is for everyone. When we suffer an identity crisis because of what we see in the world, we need to reflect on 1 Peter 2: 9. If others are soiling their hands to make it in life and it seems things are not being straight up for us because we are following the righteous root, we have no excuse not waiver. Why shouldn’t I do what others are doing to succeed?
St. Peter is saying, “But ye are a chosen generation…”. Brethren, we can’t because we are purchased by Christ’s blood.
It doesn’t end here. These are not the only reason. He goes on to remind us who we are again in Christ. Ye are “A royal priesthood, a holy nation.”
“A peculiar people” – Nwanne m, anyi di iche (brethren, we are unique). We are Christ’s very owned and as such, we should desist from soiling our hands. The Lion’s young understand the child of who it is. No matter how the situation is in the jungle, it can never eat grasses. Nwa agu adighi ata afifia.
When we know that we are peculiar people, we will be checkmated in all we do, the places we work, and how we relate with the members of our families. When we know our full identity and live by it, we will live to fulfill God’s purposes in our lives. And that is “to proclaim to others about the greatness of our God. “…That ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:”
1 Peter 2:9 talks about the consolation of every child of God. And just like the bragging Professor, every child of God should also walk the streets head high, proclaiming his or her identity both in words and deeds.
“I know who I am” is the ideal phrase for the court of life Challenge. Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus?
Jesus is the root of our identity and we know our place in him. I know my place in Christ Jesus. I know who I am. Any child of God who does not know his or her root may not be able to explain who he or she is.
Two months ago, a civilian was seen exchanging words with an Army officer who was fully armed, along Garden Avenue. I was told the Army officer wanted to take the wrong route and beat the traffic but the civilian blocked him and told the army man to reverse and follow the right route.
What temerity! In this Nigeria!
The Army officer couldn’t swallow the insult. He jumped down from his vehicle and gave the civilian a dirty slap and was threatening to shoot him with his gun. That was when a fight broke out.
However, the game changed when the civilian said to the Army Officer; “I am not afraid of you. Do you know who I am? The Army officer was shocked and he asked; “who are you”?
I saw dignity on the face of the civilian when he put his hand at the back of his trousers and brought out his Identity Card. He flashed it on the face of the Army officer and said: “I am a Footballer in the National Team; Internationale.”
Do you know what that means? The Army officer just slapped a Super Eagle player for doing nothing. When the Army heard it, he quickly ran into his car but the civilian was ready for him. He started dragging him, telling him to come back to finish the slapping and the shooting. That was when the news media and people began to gather. They made a news headline that morning.
Do you know at the end, the Army man apologized. The almighty Nigerian Army officer apologized to a civilian. This is because he met a man who knew who he is. He asked him to reverse his car and take the right track and the Officer ‘humbly’ obeyed the civilian.
I also found an interesting article by “Equipping GODLY Women” titled WHO I AM IN CHRIST. It listed 10 life-Challenging Bible Verses. The author shared her son’s experience at school where his schoolmates were bullying him and picking on him at recess. They were calling him all sorts of names and that made the boy feel sad.
The author was able to help her son won the bullies in his school who are messing up his son’s life. Do you know one funny thing we Christians have refused to observe? Satan most times gives a false impression about us when he wants to deal with us. This is because he is always a liar.
You will just wake up and preparing to embark on a journey and Satan will just appear from nowhere and whisper, ‘what if you have an accident on the road while traveling and die?’ He just lied. But it takes a heart who knows who he or she is in Christ to refute him immediately.
When up against a life challenge or a spiritual tormentor, even when I am face to face with the enemy, I no longer give a damn.
Why should I? I focus on who I am in Christ. And knowing who we are in Christ gives us the strength and wisdom we need to face every battle of life.
My dearly beloved sisters and fathers in Christ, if you do not learn anything in this Conference, I want you to hold this which am about to say now. Take these 10 Powerful Bible verses Home; move around daily with them. Wear them as an ID Card.
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
- In Christ, I am Loved (Colossians 3:12)
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” — Colossians 3:12
- In Christ, I am Forgiven (Ephesians 1:7)
“In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” — Ephesians 1:7
- In Christ, I am Chosen (1 Peter 2:9)
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” — 1 Peter 2:9
- In Christ, I am a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17
- In Christ, I am Not Condemned (Romans 8:1)
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” — Romans 8:1
- In Christ, I am More than a Conqueror (Romans 8:37) “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” — Romans 8:37
- In Christ, I am God’s Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” — Ephesians 2:10
- In Christ, I am a Work in Progress (Philippians 1:6) “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus,” — Philippians 1:6
- In Christ, I am Provided For (Philippians 4:19)
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:19
- In Christ, I am Victorious! (1 Corinthians 15:57)
“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — 1 Corinthians 15:57.
I know who I am – My Identity
When you know who you are Christ, the devil can never mesmerize you. That is what I mean here from a Christian perspective. When we know whim you are, we can challenge every trouble that comes our way with all its weapons and still surmount them. The civilian was not intimidated by the Army uniform or his gun. This is because he knows who he is. As Christian believers, what do you reply to the enemy when he comes to us for battle?
- We are the redeemed of the Lord.
- We are Christ’s ambassador.
- We are the apple of God’s eyes.
What do we tell the accuser of brethren when he comes to torment us with our past life? When he comes with the fear that God is not happy with us, we should tell him off. When the accuser of brethren comes to make you feel guilty, you shouldn’t let him. Just remind him that you don’t struggle for self-righteousness, for no man can be righteous by himself.
- You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus.
- You are the direct products of the Promised Seed.
- You have been bought by His blood.
- You are an over-comer and more than a conqueror.
I no longer give the enemy room to torment me because I know who I am:
- I am Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
- I am a child of God.
- I am God’s project.
- I am working in Power and Dominion. I am working in Miracle.
- I am a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, a peculiar person, and the Lords’ own.
Sample of Church Conference Address (Conference Theme)
In Conclusion, Whatever you’re facing today, dear women of God, whether it’s the lies on the inside or the tough circumstances on the outside, it’s not too much for God and it’s not too much for you too. God will give you victory when you follow Him!
Again, there is power in the tongue. God has given us these bullet-filled words to use in times of life challenges. Ask it. “Who am I in Christ?” Now say it with me! “I am who God says I am!”
The battle may not be over, but the winner has already been decided. You are victorious! I want to end here by asking you ‘WHO ARE YOU’?
Thanks for listening.
Your Sister,
Njide Mkparu (Mrs.)