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Harvard in London Approves Igbo Apprenticeship System.
What Does This Mean to the Igbo Apprenticeship system?
What the Igbo Apprenticeship system tends to gain with Harvard Business
No More Wasted Years
Those who have gone for apprenticeship are placed with the same level as those who are schooling in the Higher Institution. This is to say that they will be awarded a Certificate equivalent to that of other universities (Harvard University Certificate.
This set of people will be regarded as graduates of an Institute and qualify to hold a higher office post anywhere in the world.

I have seen and known so many Igbo boys who are roaming the streets and markets because the money they were used in establishing businesses for them have finished and they have nowhere to look. Some of them were settled with diabolical money. The money disappeared as soon it was invested in the business.
This set of people have grown past the age of returning for a second Apprenticeship. So, they resort to trading agents (Igba oso ahia).
With this new development, those who have failed business can get their certificates and apply for work in the business firms. The Certificate “Nwa Boi” will receive from the Institution will offer him the chance of getting employed if his Master did not settle him.
System Upgrade
Before now, no Igbo boy is proud to mention that he is into an apprenticeship. It is a title people are ashamed to be identified with. this is because people look down on the apprenticeship.
In Nigeria, University students are more regarded than those who are into apprenticeships. People look down on them until they start making money.
With the passing into Law of Igbo Apprenticeship to be recognized at the Harvard Business, it has upgraded the system.
Capped with Double Honour
Now, every “nwa boy” stands to go home to his parent’s house with double honour. He will be set up with the money by his Master and he will also receive a Certificate from Harvard Business School.
The Summary on Harvard in London Approves Igbo Apprenticeship System.
Igbo Apprenticeship has been recognized at the Harvard Business School and it now goes with a Certificate equivalent to a University degree.
No one will look down on Umu Boi anymore. They also stand the chance of getting jobs anywhere with the Certificate and be accorded the same respect as degree holders.
Congratulations to all Igbo boys doing Apprentice!
Harvard in London Approves Igbo Apprenticeship System