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Video of 2-days-old Baby Drinking Milk by Himself
Video of 2-days-old Baby Feeding Himself surfaces on the internet. Watch the amazing Video of 2-days-old Baby Drinking Milk by Himself.

I saw the most beautiful and amazing thing today. So, I decided to share it in this space. I saw a newborn, a 2-days-old baby drinking milk with a cup all by himself.
The video was shared on Facebook yesterday.
Within 24 hours, it gathered 61 million views. I mean, 61 million Facebook users watched the video.
I am not actually about the video going viral. Who could imagine that a baby who is just 2-days-old can drink milk from a cup all by himself?
We saw too that the mother was feeding the baby. But she let go of the cup handle when she saw the newborn was gripping so hard on the cup.
Watch the video here.
Video of 2-days-old Baby Drinking Milk by Himself
I have shared the video. Watch it and comment.
In another similar development:
8-year-old girl mimics her Mom working from home
Epic Video. 8-year-old girl mimics her Mom working from home. 8-Year-old Daughter Mimicks Her Mother Working from Home during the Lockdown.
A popular LinkedIn influencer has shared the video of her 8-year-old daughter who asked her for permission to replay how she works from home.
I am yet to see a beautiful thing like this video of 8 years old girl demonstrating how her Mom attended to clients and office matters from home during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Colleen Chulis said her daughter came to her and asked her to permit her to run an impression of her working from home. I bet the woman git the shock of her life as the little displayed what she saw her Mom does unconsciously.
Children are powerful imitators. They imitate you physically and psychologically. That is what this video taught me. I am not the only one who is moved by this video. It just a few days and it had gathered millions of views.
I had to share it here with my readers. I mean, you need to see the skills and the displays of this little smart girl.
8-year-old Girl mimics her Mom working from home