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Before You Buy Bone Straight Hair, Know These 3 Facts first

About Bone Straight Hair – 3 Hard Facts

About Bone Straight Hair – 3 Hard Facts. Bone straight is a trending hair attachment in town. It is every woman’s dream. It costs a fortune to acquire. But before you decide to buy this human hair, you should know these 3 hard facts.


about Bone Straight Hair

Bone Straight

According to research, Bone straight are raw hairs that are gotten from human multiple donors. These donors are usually of Peruvian or Cambodian origin. Among women, this hair is regarded as a luxury and many want the hair despite the fact that it is sold at a very exorbitant price.

This hair wig derived has a distinct feature of being straight.  It is amazingly straight. This weapon beats other hair in the markets because it is hard to keep hair attachment so straight without getting curly or tangled. But Bone straight remains straight just as the name sounds. No matter how you try to tangle it together, it will always end up getting straight. That is the exact same reason why many ladies love it. It is straight and long.

However, there are some facts most women don’t know about this popular bone straight hair. Before you decide to buy this trending hair, you should know these 3 facts first.

Hard Facts

  •  You Don’t Need To Maintain Bone Straight Hair


It is no joke to say that the cost of maintaining bone straight hair has been added to the purchase price. It is self-maintained. All the disentangling, setting, and dressings are not for the hair. It is made to remain standing and straight.

You don’t need to comb it, dye it, or even wash it with anything. It is self-sufficient and all you have to do is just clean it (if there is dust in it) and you are good to go!

  •  It is boring to Wear.

This is another hard fact about bone straight. You may not believe this until you own it and start wearing it.

Due to the fact that bone straight hair is naturally straight, it can never get tangled or curly no matter how hard you try to make it so. This means that you have to only wear it in one style; straight. With this highly sought hair, you cannot do it in any style you want. This is because it won’t hold together.

As time goes on, it will become boring. The reason is that you just have to look the same way with it every day.


  •  It feels like Real Relaxed-Hair

The bone straight hair is of Cambodian/Peruvian origin. So, it is extremely light and convenient to wear. With it, you don’t have fear of getting it entangled when blown by the wind. When you walk, its strands flow onto your face and mouth, glowing in silkiness. It is one of the best things to get for yourself.

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