7 Secrets on How to Rank on Google First page in 2022
Here are the 7 Secrets on How to Rank on Google First page in 2022. To rank on google first page in 2022, you must:
- Present the answer in the first sentence (Paragraph),
- Use an original image, different from the ones already on the internet
- Present a purely unique and original content of more than 700 words,
- Pay attention to your H1, H2, H3… headings,
- Pay attention to your SEO Analysis, make sure 90 percent turn green
- Use internal and outbound links
- Optimize the Keywords and images

Over time, Google updates and algorithms have changed so many things on how search engines work especially how content is ranked on Google. In the ranking, events have taken many factors like the number of backlinks a blog has and its Domain Authority. All these still have one role or two to play in ranking.
However, I have seen a blog with just 11 backlinks and 6 DA struggling on the Google first page with Sites like Pinterest and Legit. From my observation, it is no longer who writes; it is about what is written and how it is written.
It does not matter how long you have been blogging. No one is Mr. Know-it-all as far as blogging is concerned. This is because every year, things change. Google updates rolled off the old tricks and introduced new ones.
After Google updates in June and July 2021, and soon this 2022, I began to notice a new trend in my google traffic. It skyrocketed overnight and kept increasing. When I checked, I found out some of my ranking keywords fall on the first page.
I began to study the patterns of those articles that climbed to the utmost first page. When I figured it out, I used the same methods to updates other content, and boom, most of them climbed on the first page.
Here are the 7 secrets to rank on Google First in 2022.
7 Secrets to Rank on Google First page in 2022
Present the Answer in the First sentence
Every article has a problem that it wants to solve. That problem is what I mean by the answer. I wrote an article on how to increase the transfer limit on Gtb Mobile App. The question is how to increase the transfer limit.
Look at the image above. That is how the article ranks on Google’s first page. How to increase the transfer limit is by dialing so so so and so number and press ok blab la bla.
I know what you are thinking right now. You are wondering if you give out the most important details in the beginning, will readers still open the blog to read all the contents?
The answer is, anyone who wants to read will click to read. But if you allow this mentality to hold you bound, you are going to remain at the bottom of the Google page with your unique but buried contents.
Unique Images
This one is very important. Google has an eye for a unique image on content. There was a time I wrote viral news (Ven Julius Dike) two days after big news media have written about it. Instead of using the image of the victim as a featured image, I mistakenly used his boss, and boom, Google noticed the image.
My article ranked number one on google’s first page and it is still there to date. If you want your content to be recognized easily by Google, use images or image different from what other writers have used.
In case you don’t know, content is ranked or found in various ways on google. It can be ranked generally as all, Images, Video, News, Maps, and Books.
So, your content can rank first by Image or video, even by Maps if you present unique ones, different from the ones already on the internet.
Let me give you another example. I wrote an article on the ovulation period – how to count free period and posted it on the internet. Two days later when I checked back, I couldn’t find my content even on the 20th Google page.
I hit the editing button on the content and removed the public image I used in the article. I got a Pen and made a sketch on the drawing book and upload it. In the evening, I checked again and I saw surprises.
My article was ranking on the first page by the image. So, I check back after the second day, I saw my content on the first page, although not number 1 this time.
The Length of your Content
Some bloggers argue that the length of content or the number of words in the content no longer matters. Bros, it matters. I am not saying you should present lengthy nonsense and miss out on the main gist.
No! You should be mindful of the quality of your content but you are required to come up with not less than 1 thousand words article or more.
They will also try to confuse you that people no longer read lengthy words. It is not true, it also depends on the contents and the topics.
Personally, I don’t publish an article that is less than 1 thousand words on my blog. My readers are enjoying them. Apart from attracting Google’s eyes to the content, it helps boost your reading time.
How to Rank on Google First page in 2022
H1, H2, H3, H4, etc Headings
This is a very serious issue. Search Engines pay attention to how you format your content as regards the headings and paragraphs.
Let me sound it, here again, the H1 heading should never appear in the body of your content as you write. It is capped alone for the main title.
I don’t know about other blogs but mine was built, that once you write the main heading on the Title section, it automatically retains the H1 heading.
A website like Medium.com does not have this feature. So, when you have your main title and your subheading, you will be required to assigned H1 and H2 to both.
An H2 heading is the highest heading in the body of your article. You can decide to use it alone throughout your content, depending on what you are writing.
Like in this article, I have been using H2, in the listings. This is because there are no sub-point or points that come under any of the subheadings.
However, if I want to introduce another sub-point under this very subheading, it is expected that I cap it with the H3 heading. For examples:
“Factors to be considered before choosing H1, H2, H3, etc headings
Making Point”. bla bla bla. Please, remember, this is just for citing an example.
The above is exactly how you should choose your heading. My fourth heading comes with H2, the subheading under it has H3 while all the numbered subpoints have H4.
How to Rank on Google First page in 2022
SEO Analysis
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Google’s work is to index your content but you must have to optimize your articles for the best search.
There are two popular Search Engine Optimization plugins a blogger can use, Rank Maths and Yoast. Personally, I use Yoast. It gives me the desired results.
However, whichever one I chose to work with, they all have the same features. Ensure that all most every feature on your SEO analysis has turned green before you hit the publishing button. Even if you can’t, just ensure your SEO or Rank Math generally is green. Don.t settle for the orange color (ok).
Internal and outbound links
In all your articles, make sure you include internal and Outbound links. An internal link is a link to your published article on that same blog you are writing from while the outbound link is an external link. That is, a link to an article that was published on another website?
On linking your internal article, make sure you connect your related post. Let’s assume you are writing about slang in Nigeria, you should look for an article you have written on slang and link it. Read this article to master the arts of linking articles internally.
What if that article is your first article on the blog?
This is an important question. If you are writing for the first time, that is where you are exempted. But you must include an outbound link.
However, you are required for a second visit on the content in the future when you have written the second or the third content and start linking them.
Optimize the Keyword and the Image
I want us to get this point and clear, optimization of keywords should not be keyword stuffing. It should not be a repetition of keywords in paragraphs in a way the content becomes redundant.
Keywords optimization is a careful inclusion of the keywords in your article that still make meaning in the lines where they fall. And there few ways and best to do that.
i. Carefully begin the first heading with the keywords
ii. carefully craft your first sentence or paragraph in such a way that all the keywords are found there.
iii. If it is a long paragraph, form another Subheading in the middle with the same keywords you used in the beginning. This will serve as a reminder of what you are writing g about.
iv. If your content is more than 1 thousand words, use the keywords in the heading of your summary.
How to Rank on Google First page in 2021/2022 (Summary)
We have come to the end of this topic. But there is something I must have to say. Nobody is know-it-all when it comes to SEO and Google ranking. Google still has the upper hands – they decide what they want in any published content.
However, every blogger has his or her own strategies that work perfectly on his or her blog. The lists I gave here have been working for me over time and blogging gurus like Neil Patel will assent to all of them. In fact, I read the first secret from him after the first Google update in June.
All you need is to be original in your content and follow these easy steps. With time, you are there.
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