Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglican/ Catholic
Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglican/ Catholic. Over the week, quizzes on Christian denominations have been trending on our news hub.
The first was on Quiz on Anglicanism, the second was on Quiz on Lent and Ash Wednesday. Today, we are writing on Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglicans/ Catholics.
Holy oils used in the church are our focus in this post. I have noticed a particular trend of search on this topic. See them: “quiz questions on Consecration of oil (Anglicanism and quiz questions on chrism Anglicanism“.
We have provided most of the answers and highlighted them. In the other section, we gave options and strike out the correct answers. We have also left some vacant. There, you are expected to provide the answers.
- What is Oil of Chrism used for in Episcopal churches?
A. For Baptisms.
B. Deliverance
C. Property
D. Fall and Die.
- What season in each year do clergymen gather at the Cathedral to renew their ordination vows and receive newly blessed oils for healing and baptism?
Ans. On Tuesday Holy Week.
3. The oil Priest received from Bishop to be used for the congregation is called —
Ans: Oil of Chrism,”
4. Oil Chrism is made of a mixture of …….
Ans: Olive Oil, Cinnamon, Cassia, Calamus, and Myrrh.
5. What book of the book prescribed how oil of Chrism should be mixed and blended?
Ans: The Book of Leviticus.
6. Oil of Chrism is used for —– and —– purposes.
Ans: Baptisms and Infirmorum for anointing the sick
7. What is the name of the popular oil that dominant in the type of anointing oil used in the church today?
Ans: Olive Oil.
8. Name 3 denominations that celebrate Chrism Mass.
Ans: Episcopalian Church, the Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Churches
9. What Mass or Service is called Chrism Mass?
Ans: It is a Mass or Service held on Tuesday Holy Week. Oils are blessed by Bishop for the Priests.
10. How many kinds of holy oils are used in the Episcopal Church?
Ans: Oil of the Sick, Oil of the Catechumens, and Holy Chrism.
11. Is it only Oil of Chrism that Bishops Blessed during Chrism Mass?
Ans: No. They also include Oil of the Sick and Oil of the Catechumens.
Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglican and Catholic

13. What is Oil of the Sick used for?
Ans: To Anoint the Sick.
Ans: What is the Oil of the Catechumens used for? For Adult Baptism – Admitting an adult into the fold.
15. What is the oil of Chrism used for?
Ans: It is used during confirmation by the Bishop. It is also used in the Church by the Priest to anoint Members of the Congregation.
Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglican/ Catholic
Quiz on Chrism Baptism
- What does Holy Water represent?
A. new life in Christ
B. purification
C. taking a bath
D. thirst
- Holy Oil….
A. seals Holy Spirit
B. calls us to live out faith in Jesus
C. makes us holy
D. keeps us clean
- What is the Oil of Baptism also called?
A. Oil of the Holy Spirit
B. Oil of Water
C. Oil of Catechumens
D.Oil of Chrism
- What is a Catechumen?
A. a Catholic person
B. a person studying to become Catholic
C. a priest
D.a saint
- What does the Oil of Baptism represent, and where is it placed?
A. Being priestly; on the head
B. Warrior strength; on the head
C. Being a prophet; on the chest
D. Warrior strength; on the chest
- What does Oil of Chrism represent, and where is it placed?
A. priest, prophet king; on the chest
B. warrior strength; on the chest
C. priest, prophet, king; on the head
D. warrior strength; on the head
- What represents clothing ourselves in Christ?
A. Baptism Candle
B. White Garment
C. Holy Water
D. Holy Oil
Quiz Questions for Consecration of Oil (Chrism) for Anglican/ Catholic
- Where is the Baptism Candle lit from?
A. another candle
B. the Easter Candle
C. a bonfire in the front of the church
D. a match
- What does the Baptism Candle represent?
A. light of the faith
B. Holy Spirit burns within us
C. Jesus is the light of the world
D. let your light shine
- What is necessary in order to baptize someone?
A. a) “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
B. b) pouring water over head
C. c) immersion
D. both a & b
E. a, b, c
- What is the order of the Holy Oils in the Baptism process?
A. Oil of Baptism, then Oil of Chrism
B. Oil of Chrism, then Oil of Baptism
C. Depends on the priest
D. no oil is used in Baptism
- What does the Baptism process start with?
A. The baptism
B. the intention to be baptized
C. The birth of the person being baptized
- Who can baptize a person?
A. a deacon, priest, or bishop
B. anyone
C. normally a priest, but anyone can in an emergency
- What is symbolism?
A. advertising an object
B. using an object to understand another
C. drawing a random picture