How long should I Drink Fermented Cabbage Juice for Stomach Ulcers?
Welcome to my space. In this post, we are going to vegan. Lol. How long should I Drink Fermented cabbage juice for stomach ulcers? This article was originally written and published by me on

Fermented cabbage juice is one of the science-backed homemade remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers. According to HEALTHLINE, “cabbage is a popular natural ulcer remedy. Doctors reportedly used it decades ago before antibiotics were available to help heal stomach ulcers. It is rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. Pylori infection”.
People are learning to use fermented cabbage juice to say goodbye to stomach ulcers. I drank fermented Cabbage Juice for seven days for my stomach ulcer and I got the healing result I have been seeking for a long time. With Fermented Cabbage juice, it is goodbye to stomach ulcers.
In this post, I shall teach you how to process Cabbage juice to become Fermented Cabbage Juice. You can drink it for your stomach ulcers. You may also read the health benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach.
The most common cause of stomach ulcers is an infection caused by the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Other causes include; smoking, stress, excess alcohol consumption, and constant use of anti-inflammatory medications.
Ulcers are sores that can develop in the lining of the stomach. According to medical research, every individual will in his or her lifetime have stomach ulcers. Fifty percent of these individuals will not have a need for medical treatment because their ulcers will come and resolve naturally on their own.
But fifty percent of other individuals will seek medical help to heal or manage the discomfort associated with their ulcers. It is of our interest to note that half of the mentioned individuals will successfully treat their stomach ulcers while the rest will not.
They will continue to manage it with the help of a medical Doctor. This group of people doesn’t do without Antacid, Omeprazole, and other ulcer kits. They live with the chronic pains associated with ulcers for the rest of their lives.
You can say goodbye to all kinds of stomach ulcers in less than ten days with fermented cabbage juice.
Fermented cabbage juice is one of the science-backed homemade remedies. According to HEALTHLINE, “cabbage is a popular natural ulcer remedy. Doctors reportedly used it decades ago before antibiotics were available to help heal stomach ulcers. It is rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. Pylori infection”.
Here are the steps for making fermented cabbage juice:
Get a fresh big-size cabbage.
Peel off the cover (the leaves that have lost their freshness).
Chop them into small sizes.
Wash it with plenty of warm water.
Blend, grind or pound it with an uncontaminated grinder or mortar. If you are using a blender, add enough clean water while blending to make it blend into pulp.
Grind or pound without adding water if you’re using a grinder or pounding in a mortar with a pestle. Put it in a container with a tight lid or cover when you have completed the grinding. Pour enough water to make it look like raw pap. Use the lid or the cover of the container and cover it tightly.
Keep them tightly covered in a container under room temperature for three days.
The fermented cabbage produces a funny kind of odor. Some said it has an offensive smell others said the smell is pleasant. Whichever way, do not throw it away for any kind of smell you perceive from it.
Sieve it after 72 hours of fermenting. Throw the chaff away. Store the juice in water bottles in as many quantities as you are able to get. Put the water bottles in the refrigerator.
Take from the juice first thing in the morning. Pour a half glass of the cabbage juice; fill the rest half with clean water for dilution. Drink it in the morning. Drink at night.
You will notice tremendous results within three days. It is advisable that even when you observe wholeness in your body, you should continue taking this homemade juice for ten days. This will help to perfect the healing.
There are no other ways of knowing whether this method works except giving it a trial. It has worked for me and my family. You too can benefit
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