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Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

There has been a recent push in some countries to replace science lessons with other subjects such as art or music. Science is vital to human development because knowledge about the natural world informs our understanding of ourselves and the universe around us. Why is it important to teach science in primary schools.

From medicine to engineering, agriculture to manufacturing, economics to transportation, scientific research forms the backbone of modern society. And yet, many students don’t enjoy learning Science and drop out before completing their studies. Read also: Reasons for The Decline of Male Teachers in Nigeria’s Primary Schools. 

Growing up, my parents often told me stories about their childhood experiences. One thing they always said was that they hated science class back then. They told me that, during their time, kids didn’t even get taught Science, only math. Nowadays, Science is considered a compulsory subject in every country. This means that a child who learns Science today will likely become a better citizen tomorrow.

Science education is vital to our future. We need to understand the world around us, and Science provides us with the necessary knowledge to do just that. But while Science is taught in secondary school, it’s rarely taught in primary school.

This is problematic because children who learn Science early on tend to perform better later on in life. Science is also a key component of STEM subjects, meaning students who study Science are more likely to pursue careers in technology, engineering, and medicine.

Why are science classes not included in primary schools? 

There are several reasons. 

  • Science is challenging to teach. Students need to develop critical thinking skills, and they need to be able to apply scientific principles to real-world situations.
  • Science requires expensive equipment and supplies. 
  • Third, teachers don’t always feel comfortable teaching science, making parents worry that kids will become bored and lose interest in learning.

But there are solutions. One option is introducing science concepts to younger students via games and activities. Another is to create hands-on projects that allow students to explore science concepts firsthand. And finally, teachers could incorporate lessons into existing subjects like math and English.

Whatever approach you choose, remember that teaching science in primary school is essential for the future of our country. Science education is critical for our future generations. Without it, we risk losing valuable knowledge and skills that could affect us for years.

Ten important reasons to teach Science in primary schools?

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

There are several reasons why teaching science in primary school is essential. 

1. It allows students to learn about the world around them. 

Science teaches kids about biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. These subjects allow children to understand and gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

2. Science education prepares young minds for success later in life.

 Students who study Science tend to score higher on standardized tests, earn higher grades, and perform better academically.

3. Science education gives students a competitive advantage over other students. 

When students are taught about Science early on, they become familiar with concepts like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. As adults, these skills serve them well in both their personal lives and careers.

4. Science education provides opportunities for students to explore their interests.

 Many students enjoy learning about the sciences because they love discovering new facts and ideas.

5. Science education promotes lifelong learning. Studies show that students who participate in science classes tend to continue studying Science after graduation. Because of this, they can pursue advanced degrees and jobs that require scientific expertise.

6. Science education helps students develop a strong foundation for further studies. 

According to the National Research Council, students who study Science in elementary school tend to outperform their peers in math and English. Read also: 5 Biggest Problems of Private schools in Africa.

Why is Science taught in primary schools?

Science plays a vital role in everyday life, and knowledge of basic scientific principles is crucial to our survival. But sadly, children learn very few science concepts in school, and many never know anything about the subject.

According to a National Science Teachers Association survey, less than half of students learned chemistry, physics, biology, earth science, or math outside of class. And although it seems like common sense, some teachers, according to a survey, said they didn’t feel confident teaching science to elementary students.

So why does this happen? One reason is that science education is relatively new, and most scientists aren’t trained to teach. As a result, many STEM programs focus heavily on research instead of instruction. Another issue is that there aren’t enough jobs available within the STEM fields. Even though there are currently 22 million job openings in the US alone, only about 1.7 million jobs require a degree in STEM subjects (according to a source).

But there’s another problem: young kids today grow up surrounded by technology, yet they rarely understand how electricity works, let alone other key science concepts. Kids who lack exposure to Science early in life. Miss out on having fun while learning—something that can lead to a lifelong interest in the subject.

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

10 benefits of teaching Science in primary schools

1. Science teaches kids practical skills, like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. These skills are increasingly important in today’s world.

2. Teaching children about Science can lead to an increased interest in STEM subjects later in life. 

3. Students who learn Science early on tend to perform better academically and become more successful adults.

4. Primary school students develop cognitive abilities, including memory, logic, attention span, and language development. 

5. Children who understand Science are less likely to question authority, their psychology is different.

6. Kids who study Science enjoy learning more and achieve better grades.

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

7. Science education improves academic performance for all students. 

8. Learning about basic scientific concepts promotes a healthy attitude towards nature. 

9. Research shows that teaching kids about Science early on leads to improved attitudes toward other cultures. 

10. When kids learn about Science, they gain confidence in themselves, believe in themselves, become independent learners, and ultimately become motivated lifelong learners.

The downside: why Science should not be taught in primary schools

Science education encourages students to question authority. Children exposed to Science early on begin to view the world differently. Instead of blindly accepting everything they hear from teachers and parents, they seek answers for themselves. This fosters curiosity and skepticism, which are vital for successful adulthood.

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools


In order to address this problem, educators are trying to change the status quo. Some states require science classes in middle school, while others create curricula specifically geared towards younger children. For instance, the South Carolina Department of Education recently developed a Science curriculum.

Early Learning Curriculum that integrates Science into preschool lessons. The goal was to create a program allowing children to explore the world through hands-on activities rather than relying solely on textbooks. Why is it important to teach science in primary schools.

Some schools are taking a different approach altogether. Instead of teaching Science from scratch, they’re using games to introduce topics like gravity and electricity. These types of projects usually involve creating interactive experiments based on real-world scenarios.

Whatever method you choose, remember that the best way to teach Science is through interactive experiences—not lectures. That means encouraging kids to try things themselves and experiment. It also means ensuring that each lesson involves a hands-on component, whether building a bridge or conducting an investigation.

By introducing Science to young children, they’ll gain a lasting passion for the subject and a strong foundation upon which to build later in life. Why is it important to teach science in primary schools.

Why is it important to teach science in primary schools

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