Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata) – Uses and Health Benefits
Pandoro in Yoruba, Sausage Tree, or Kigelia Pinnata in English. It is a natural pain killer, it helps in breast firming, fertility booster, it increases chances for twins. Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata) – Uses and Health Benefits.
Using the leaves and the flowers do reduce body sugar, it cures leprosy, skin cancer, ulcer, ringworm. The mature fruit powder is used dressing in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, and ulcers. The green fruit is used as a poultice for syphilis and rheumatism, the leaf is used as a poultice for backache.
The herbal fruit I wrote about the last time that is used for Penis and breast enlargement. This fruit also has many other health benefits. The botanical name of Pandoro is kigelia Africana. The common name is Sausage Tree. The family is Bignoniaceae.
Pandoro is very popular among the Yorubas. In fact, the name Pandoro is the Yoruba name from the Sausage tree. In Hausa, it is called Rawuya while the Igbo name is Uturubein. To use it for enlargement, you pound and soak in gin for 3 days and you start taking 3 shots daily.
This article is a complete guide on the uses and health benefits of a sausage tree or Kigelia Pinnata. Just before I proceed on giving the uses and health benefits of the sausage tree, I will like to inform you that its unripe fruit is poisonous especially when eaten raw. Though some animals such as elephants and baboons do eat it, you should not for any take this fruit raw. Its use and benefits will however be addressed later in this article.
Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata) – Uses and Health Benefits
In this article, we are going to be analyzing one after the other the health benefits of the sausage tree also known as kigelia Pinnata. The sausage tree is usually found in a wet area such as by the stream, riverbank where mammals animals can feed on it. It is common in African countries. It can be found almost everywhere in both Nigeria and Cameroon.
Pandoro Fruit
Every part of this tree is medicinal, from its root, bark, and seed. In Cameron, Dried kigelia fruits are being used as an acholic beverage and as an ingredient in many skin care products. It is not also left out in the treatment of various sexually transmitted diseases, toothache and stomach aches.
Kigelia Pinnata has been used and tested in many African countries and the results are convincing enough to say this plant is nutritious and medicinal and simultaneously. Let’s quickly take a look at its other health benefits below.
Health benefits of Sausage Tree or kigelia Pinnata
Kigelia leaves are used to cleanse the body from all kinds of toxins. When this leave is boiled it becomes edible and you can use it to clean up your body system by drinking the water fitted after boiling it.
” When used as prescribed, they are used to treat internal ailments such as stomach pain, dysentery, and ulcer. Others use its pounded fruit powder to boost fertility. As for me, I use its boiled leaves for detoxification.”
One Mr. Muna says this when describing the health benefits of a sausage tree. This is a piece of evidence that other than its seed, Kigelia leaves can also be useful for mankind.
Treatment of measles in children
Kigelia seed can be a lifesaver in a situation where a child is suffering from measles.
How to use Pandoro
For the treatment, You boil Kigelia seed in large quantity and bathe the child with the water at its warm stage.
Repeat this as many times as possible until the measles disappears. This is possible due to its antioxidants properties.
For Breast Firming
In the case of saggy breasts due to breastfeeding, the bark of the sausage tree can be used to retain the firming of the breast.
How to use Pandoro for breast firming:
To use a sausage tree for breast firming, Apply a heated bark of the seed to the breast and massage with it.
 Treatment of Internal ailments
Another health benefit of kigelia fruits is the treatment of Internal ailments such as ulcers, dysentery, and toothache.
How to use:
For ulcer and dysentery, boil some kigelia seed with water and drink.
For toothache, the bark is boiled and gargled in the mouth.
Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata)
Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata) – Uses and Health Benefits
Skin infection
It can also be used to treat varieties of skin infections such as measles, Eczema, boils, ringworm, and fungal infection.
How to use:
In this case, it will be used externally. Boil the seed and bathe with it twice daily till the skin infection disappears.
Sausage tree other benefits include;
• Flavouring bear
• Serves as a famine food
• An acholic beverage
• V-,gana tightening
• Use to make dye (seed produce red dye and the root produce yellow)
Side effects kigelia fruits
We cannot conclude the benefits of sausage trees and fruits without letting the public know about the possible side effects that are likely to be experienced while you use them.
The following are the side effects that have been gathered so far from the uses of sausage tree/ kigelia Pinnata.
• If eaten raw, kigelia fruit can cause stomach aches and other abdominal problems due to its poisonous content. You are advised to use this fruit when it is ripe or dried. The raw and unripe ones are for the mammals animal.
• It can cause tongue and skin blistering in some cases.
• It can also cause you to vomit.
Conclusion on health benefits and uses of Sausage Tree
As medicinal as this wonderful tree is, it is advised that you take precautions when using it for any health benefits. Never forget that eating it raw is poisonous, so don’t try it. The seed is best used when boiled or dried.
Unarguably, Africa is blessed with many natural resources, plants, and very medicinal seeds and one of them is the sausage tree. You can also take advantage of this tree for your benefit today.
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