7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big
Hi, welcome to my space, 9jainformed.com. We are fully informed and we are here to inform our readers. In this post, we shall talk about a very important topic. We are talking about a topic that concerns all men. 7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big.
Forgive me when I said the topic concerns, men, alone, it doesn’t. It also concerns women.
How? Don’t ask me, biko. I know the issue also affects the women but don’t ask me how. This is not what we are here for. Lol.
Sometimes last year, we published a post on a similar topic with the caption: “Men, Do You Want Your Cucumber To Grow As Big As This? Do These 3 Things Daily.”
We got a lot of feedback on the post. Many people were calling and chatting to ask us about the prescription of a gel we mentioned in the article. But for policy reasons, we avoided the temptation of giving our readers drug prescriptions.
Anyone who asks, we politely dismissed the person by telling him (Of course Him, they were mostly men) to shop online. They kept coming back to ask us because they couldn’t find the gel online.
That was by the way. In this post, we are going to give you the natural ways to go about it. All you will need are in the fruits and vegetables and in the environment.
7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big
I will like us to talk about the reasons why some men’s cassavas are small while others are big. This is a question people often ask whenever a topic like this is raised.
There are only two reasons why a man’s cucumber looks small. They are:
Family History:
This is so true. If your parent’s eyes are blue, you will be born with blue eyes. The same thing applies to cucumber, you will inherit the size of the cucumber dominant in your parents’ families.
However, the good news is that you can grow it. And that is the essence of this post.
Body Size
A man’s body size is one major factor that determines whether his cucumber will be big or small. He may be born in a family with large cassava but because he is too fat, it disappears into his stomach.
If you are fat with a big tummy, you need to do exercise to burn your belly fat and waist fat. Once you lose weight in these two regions, you will notice tremendous changes in the size of your cucumber.
7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big
If you are looking for how to make your cassava bigger, here are seven remedies that might help. We call it 7 natural remedies to cassava or cucumber enlargement.
In this natural method, you need
– Baobab bark
– Baobab fruit
– Fresh leaf of red Jatropha
For those who don’t know what these items look like, here are they in the images below:
Fresh leaf of red Jatropha
Jatropha fresh leaf is a common plant. It can be found everywhere. If you can’t find it anywhere around you, go to people who are horticulture dealers. That is people who sell and plant flowers.
Study this Wikipedia link to know more about the Jatropha plant and see some samples.
When you have gathered baobab bark + baobab fruit + fresh leaf of red jatropha, together, put them in a crusher. Crush the elements.
Extract the juice and mix with shea butter. Massage your cucumber early in the morning and late at night at bedtime.
Do it for seven days. Before then, you should notice tremendous change and enlargement.
- Kola
- Shea butter
Crush small kola and mix with shea butter and massage by pulling upwards in the morning and evening at bedtime. Stop treatment once you have the desired size.
- Olive Oil
- Shea Butter

This method, Olive oil mixed with shea butter is not popular but it works wonders.
How to use it
Just get both items and mix properly. Massage each night at bedtime with these ingredients for 8 weeks.
This method is said to be safest but it takes time to show desired results. You have to be persistent with the massaging every night to get your cassava enlarged.
7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big
Boil the pulp of the ripe fruit of the flake baobab in the water and use the solution in friction to make a little fat cucumber.
In this method, you need just two natural items:
- Dry Pawpaw Seeds
- Shea butter
Another name for Pawpaw is papaya. So, when you get the dry seeds, grind them into powder. Make a mixture of it with shea butter (seeds + butter).
How to use it:
Just massage the cassava with it for two months. Stop the moment you get the desired size.
Growing with cassava with Coco butter and Fenugreek Oil.
Fenugreek oil is gotten from fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek is an herb with many potential health benefits. The oil is not scarce. You can buy it in any shopping mall around you.

How to use:
Buy cocoa butter with fenugreek oil. Melt the cocoa butter. Add the oil then let it harden and massage the cassava with it in the morning and evening.
- Kola nutsÂ
- Shea butter
In this method, you need dried kola nuts. Crush small kola nuts that are already dried.
Sift the grinded kola nuts to obtain a fine powder. Mix the powder with shea butter.
How to use:
Rob the ointment on your cassava down to the head. Do it in the mornings and evenings until there is satisfaction.
7 Natural methods to make small Cucumber grow Big
We have given enough here. So, when one is not available, you can still lay your hands on other alternatives.
But before we end this post, I will also like to talk about a crucial issue that is related to this topic. It is how to use natural manpower instead of taking dangerous manpower drugs like Tramadol.
ATTENTION: Read how to use watermelon seeds to remedy low sperm count in men.
Stay away from Drugs. It kills. Instead of using drugs, go get unripe plantain and Alligator pepper to boost ur Manpower drive.
Boil or roast unripe plantain for 10mins. Peel the alligator pepper and put everything (seed) on a plate then u can start eating with plantain.
Oh my goodness. You will be glad you did, it’s called ‘bomb’. Fire. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NOTIFICATION and share the post.
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