The Most Beautiful Towns or City in Igboland
When someone asked you to tell him or her the most beautiful town or towns or city in Igbo land, do not bother cracking your head. Just think about these 3 towns we are about to mention here. They are in fact the Most Beautiful Towns in Igboland.
We didn’t just wake from our sleeping mats and start writing on this controversial topic. We do not wish to exalt some parts and demote others.
We have our criteria for selecting the towns. We look at development from the contributions of the indigenes of the towns. We did not look at the gigantic buildings or count the magnificent edifices in the various towns in Igbo land. We also considered it but we, first of all, we looked at the roads that lead to the mighty edifices.
We considered tared and good roads before considering the buildings. We considered the factors for development as listed in economics like the presence of electricity, pipe-borne water, hospital, industry and roads.
We considered the contributions of the wealthy individuals in the towns, how they have contributed to the growth of the towns.
Finally, we moved around different towns at night. The result we got here is one of the major criteria used in selecting the most beautiful towns in the East.
Most Beautiful Towns or city in Igboland
Osumenyi Town

Osumenyi town in Nnewi South Local Government Area in Anambra state tops in this list. The town is made up of about 10 villages and shares borders with Amichi, Ebenator, Ezinifite, Utuh, and Ekwulummili.
The first attraction we noticed immediately we entered this town is the fact that all nooks and corners of this town have been tared. No matter how small the road is or where it leads to, they are all tared. To our own amazement, the roads were tared by individuals.
The indigenes of this town are not looking upon the government or wait for them to develop their town for them, they do it for themselves.
I said earlier that we shall not count edifices in the towns. But we couldn’t but noticed beautiful structures elected by the indigenes of the town.
The nature of the buildings seen in the town is the ones seen in the Capital Territory and other major cities. We noticed the availability of medical infrastructure to the credit of the town. We noticed pipe-borne water in every corner of the roads, courtesy of the wealthy indigenes.
The town has two community secondary schools which they have upgraded to High School. To cap it all, we couldn’t help putting this town in the top list when we moved out in the night. It will not be an understatement to say that we didn’t notice the difference between night and day in Osumenyi. The street lights were always on. They were mounted so closely as if they were planting corn.
When families in the cities are yet to obtain prepared Meters for Electricity use, this town has upgraded into prepared Meters. Each Kindred has their own personalized Meters. The bills for these Meters are also footed by the wealthy indigenes.
We cannot exhaust all that we saw in this town here. Add this town as your next tourist center and visit it in the December period and see it with your own eyes.
Most Beautiful Towns in Igboland
Abiriba Town

The next in the list is Abiriba in Ohaofia Local Government Area in Abia State. You won’t know something is happening in this town unless you visit there. It is no longer hidden, the sources of the wealth of the Abiriba indigenes.
They are the major traders in the Aba market. They control the highest percent in the Aba trade. Someone whose identity will be undisclosed confided in us and told us that his brothers were among the first who saw the future in the Aba market. They ventured into it and brought in their brothers.
Their wealth is seen in the community. We came and saw why the town is called “Abiriba the small London”. It is a small London indeed.
Neni Town
Neni town is the home town of the Late Anthony Enukeme (Tonimas), the Anambra Billionaire oil magnate who was buried with a thirty-four million naira casket. This did not come as a surprise to us.
The town has an advantage and edge over other towns in its location. The town is located in the heart of Anambra. But this should not be the reason why honor should not be given to whom it is due. After all, there are towns that are located in the state yet they have nothing to write home about.
Neni town has good roads and major infrastructural facilities, courtesy of the government, and some wealthy indigenes of the town. It is also in the record that the Late Anthony Enukeme tared the road that leads from his village to the major roads.
Most Beautiful Towns in Igboland
Finally, we saw good things in other towns. But like we pointed in the beginning, good roads and developmental facilities built by the towns by themselves are the major criteria we used in selecting these towns. Before you argue about your town, you should answer these questions:
- How many roads are tared in your town? Who tared it?
- Does your town enjoy the electricity supply? Is it in the whole kindred?
- How many community hospitals and schools are well equipped in your community?
- Do you have pipe-borne water in your community? Is the water given to everyone for free?
These and more are what we considered before making our choice. But if you feel there is a town we are missing, mention the name in the comment box and evidence. We shall update our post.
Thanks for reading.