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Natural Ways to Cure or Remedy Anovulation (Lack of Ovulation)
Cucumber dieting and soaking and drinking of cloves tea are two Natural ways to Cure or remedy Anovulation, Lack of Ovulation, or poor ovulation. Natural Ways to Cure or remedy Anovulation (Lack of Ovulation). Here is how.
The word Anovulation or lack of Ovulation is the word every female adult should be conversant with. It simply means lack of ovulation or no ovulation.
According to Wikipedia;
“Anovulation is when the ovaries do not release an oocyte during a menstrual cycle. Therefore, ovulation does not take place. However, a woman who does not ovulate at each menstrual cycle is not necessarily going through menopause. Chronic anovulation is a common cause of infertility”.
Ovulation is the release of eggs in the ovaries which prepares the womb for conception. In layman’s terms, when ovulation occurs in the womb or ovary, the woman will be able to get pregnant if there is a form of fertilization.
This ovulation occurs as a monthly circle. Every normal female adult will ovulate after ten days of her monthly period. That is, if she sees her menses today, it will be counted as day 1 into her circle.
Today + another nine days make up 10 days. I am taking my time to explain all of these because people still find it difficult to count their circles and ovulation period.
Any day you start seeing your period should be counted as day 1, not the following day. So, after the tenth day, the remaining 4 days following it should be your ovulation period.
However, ovulation will likely occur in one of the four days and not in all of the four days. When it occurs, it lasts for just 24 hours. The question should be: how do I know that I am ovulating in any of the four days? It is very simple.
There are 4 signs in your body that show you are ovulating. You can dictate ovulation in your body without making use of Test kits. Read it here.
Natural Ways to Cure or Remedy Anovulation (Lack of Ovulation)
Before we move to the main topic which is the natural ways to cure or remedy anovulation, poor ovulation, or lack of ovulation, I will like us to discuss the benefit of having a normal or superovulation.
Benefits of Quality Ovulation in a Woman
This may look simple in the eyes but it is beyond what you may think. There are a lot of benefits a woman enjoys if her ovulation circle is in order.
Aids in Conception Planning
I have a friend who has five children. 3 of her kids were born in the same month as her husband’s birthday while 2 are her birthday mates. When I asked her how she did it, she said she planned it with her husband.
That is to say that she chose the month she wanted to conceive. However, if she had poor ovulation, all of these plans would be nulled.
Having quality or good ovulation helps couples in planning their procreation. They can decide to conceive during the winter or before the winter season. Because the woman has her ovulation regularly, she knows what to do with herself and future procreation.
The right selection of baby Sex
Do you think this factor is not part of it? It is. Wise couples don’t just go into TTC (Trying To Conceive), they plan for it and the type of sex of the child they want.
I know it is God who gives children but we need to cast the dice. God won’t cast the dice for us although He has the final decision. But He is also a compassionate God who honors the heart desires of His children.
Why am I going this religious? I need to counter the argument of some people who will come across this post.
When your ovulation is right, you can choose whether you want a baby boy or a baby girl. How? Read it here – how to get pregnant and give birth to a baby boy. You can also read the 5 factors responsible for Couples giving birth to only Girls.
Family Planning
Do you know there are couples who have not made use of artificial family planning methods? Yes, there are. I am one of them. They make use of the Natural family planning method.
They are able to achieve it because the woman has superovulation or a good ovulation circle. They know when to go in, when to abstain and when to be ‘outside’.
Natural Ways to Cure or Remedy Anovulation (Lack of Ovulation)
Are you suffering from Anovulation (lack of ovulation) or you’ve been told that the quality of your egg is poor or low? Follow these 2 natural ways to cure it completely:
Cucumber Dieting

The first time I recommended this remedy to my friend who has been TTC, she felt disappointed. I mean, she was expecting a huge complicated prescription.
At first, she told me she was reluctant about it but later picked up the courage. She adopted the cucumber dieting with her husband and the following month, she missed her period.
Cucumber green vegetable is one of the highly potent natural drugs for fertility but many couples are not looking towards its direction. Personally, I have good ovulation but whenever I wanted to conceive, I went a little bit of Cucumber in my diet with my hubby.
How to Use Cucumber to Remedy Anovulation:
All you need to do is add cucumber as part of your 3 square meals. I mean, you should eat cucumber morning, afternoon, and night. Repeat this dieting for 7 days. Give yourself a break for another 7 days. Then repeat it for 7 days again.
I don’t mean to get a cucumber and start dividing it. No! Get one and eat it whole. Get one for your partner and let him eat it whole.
You can make it a night meal or an afternoon meal but not as breakfast. Eat it along with your breakfast.
Apart from correcting your ovulation, there are other health benefits you will enjoy by making cucumber a part of your meal. One is that, if you are an ulcer patient, you will notice how calm your stomach will be. You may never experience a stomach ulcer.
Other health benefits include burning stomach fat and losing weight. Cucumber rehydrates the body and balances the body alkaline, etc.
2. Soak Cloves (Kanafuru) for 24 Hours

For those of us who do not know what clove is all about. Clove is just a plant. It is a medicinal plant that has been used for ages to remedy sexuality-related cases in men and women.
According to an article by Healtheasyremedy 5 benefits of Cloves for Sex; “Cloves Increase ovulation levels
In women, cloves aid in augmenting ovulation levels”.

Get a tablespoon of cloves (Kanafuru)
Get at least a liter of hot water and pour in a closed lid jar.
Add the tablespoon of cloves, closed the lid, and leave to soak for 24 hours. Sieve out the cloves and store the Clove water. Pour into a container and refrigerate.

>>> How do you take it?
A glass cup first thing in the morning daily till the mixture finishes.
Ensure that you start taking it immediately after you finish your menstruation. Do not take while you are menstruating. Do not take more than the recommended one liter of clove water for that month.
This remedy has been testified to increase the chances of multiple births (twins). Give it a try with prayer and faith, it might just be the needed boost to aid conception.
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