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Velvet Beans Leave “DEVIL BEANS”: Leaves Used In Boosting Fertility And Blood

Velvet Beans Leaves “DEVIL BEANS”: Leaves Used In Boosting Fertility And Blood

The leave we are talking about is known as Velvet beans leaves aka Devil Beans. This is the name Of the Blood Tonic leaves that Boost Blood and Fertility. The name may be strange to many people but the uses are the same. “DEVIL BEANS”: The Blood Tonic Leave Used In Boosting Fertility And Blood

Velvet beans leaves "DEVIL BEANS": Leaves Used In Boosting Fertility And Blood
Velvet beans leaves “DEVIL BEANS

If you know anyone who needs blood replenishment, or who has lost blood, recommend this leaf. Everything has been given to mankind for free in the form of green nature. Our bushes, farms, and gardens are filled with natural medicine. All we need is wisdom to discover them.

According to a health expert in Allafrica; with Velvet beans leaves,

“PATIENTS with low blood levels may no longer have a need for blood transfusion and taking of blood capsules or tonics. Also, women that are looking for the fruit of the womb need not despair”.


Velvet beans are nicknamed ‘devil beans due to their itching property. Do not allow this leaf or the dry beans shell to touch your body when the sun has set.

*Dry and mature velvet beans shell

But it is harmless and friendly in the morning time. Velvet beans are called Werepe in Yoruba dialect, Agbara or Akugbara in Igbo. Apart from drinking the juice extracts of this herbal Tonic for blood-boosting and fertility, there are other ways of using this leaf.


Velvet beans leaves "DEVIL BEANS


  • Cooking

Many families in some parts of the country cook their meals with Velvet beans leaves. It can be used to prepare yam porridge. It can be used as a vegetable in the soup. It can be used as a vegetable sauce for white yam, potato or Cocoyam.

  • Velvet bean leaves can be eaten raw.

Some people prefer to chew this leaf raw. The amazing leaf has a pleasant taste.

  • As Green Tea or cooking Spice

Velvet bean leaves can be harvested in large quantities and dry them. They shop the vegetable into tiny pieces with a knife and put them under room temperature. They use the dry leaves as tea or spice their foods with it.

Anyone who wishes to boost blood, replenish a blood loss or boost fertility should follow this method:

Get some fresh leaves of velvet beans. Wash it with clean water and salt.

Put them in a blender and pour enough quantity of water and blend.

In the absence of a blender, put them in a clean bowl.

Pour enough quantity of water and scrub like a bitter leaf.

Squeeze out all the water in the leaves and sieve it.

Some may prefer to heat the juice a little on the fire to be warm. Others take theirs without heating.

For quick results, you may add some quantity of evaporated milk to the extracted vegetable juice.

Congratulations in advance.

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