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Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

History has been largely neglected in Nigeria. This neglect has led to a situation whereby most Nigerians don’t know much about our country’s past. This article discusses Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools.

This is unfortunate because knowing one’s history helps us understand ourselves and others. For instance, knowing the history of slavery in America helped Americans come together after the Civil War. It was the same thing in Europe. Knowing the history of World War II helped Europeans understand themselves and each other.

Knowing the history of Nigeria helps us understand ourselves and each other. We can learn from our mistakes and successes. We can appreciate the contributions of our ancestors. And we can celebrate the achievements of our forefathers. We can also learn from the mistakes of our predecessors.

We can avoid repeating those mistakes. History teaches us lessons that can be applied today. Students who take the time to study history are able to gain knowledge from the past and apply it to their lives. Read Also: Reasons for Decline of Male Teachers In Nigeria’s Primary Schools.

Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

The importance of learning history cannot be overstated. In Nigeria, history has been largely neglected since independence. This neglect has led to a lack of understanding of our country’s past and its impact on current events. 

Without history, the younger generation wouldn’t have known much about the origin of Nigeria. Even though some important historic events have been infused into the government, it has not changed the fact that history needs to be reintroduced into the educational system. 

History provides context to current events and helps us understand why things happen the way they do. By studying history, students develop critical thinking skills and become better citizens. They also learn about themselves and their society.

Why did Nigeria stop teaching history in many secondary schools?

In the 2009 academic session, history was stopped from being taught in secondary schools across the country. There are two main reasons why history is ignored in Nigerian schools. First, teachers aren’t trained to teach history. Second, students lack an interest in learning about the past. This conclusion was drawn from the number of students who registered for the examination under WAEC. 

Teachers are not trained to teach history because most teachers were educated in Western countries. They usually don’t have any training in African history. They may have studied history in school, but they didn’t study it in depth. Most teachers don’t have a deep understanding of Africa’s history. Most teachers don’t have a deeper understanding of Africa’s history because most teachers were not exposed to it in school.

For example, most American children learn about George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Frederick Douglass. But most Nigerians, Children don’t learn about these famous Africans.

They only probably read about their biographies in journals and newspapers but don’t really know their take on history. Many parents don’t encourage their children to read books about famous Africans either. Parents think that reading such books is boring. Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools.

Some parents don’t encourage their kids to read books about famous Africans because they think that reading books about famous Africans is racist and so many things they think about history. Some even go to the extent of calling it archaic because it’s not interesting to them, like the popular novels they spend their time on. 

Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

 6 Reasons Why History Should be Reintroduced in Nigerian Schools:

Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

1. History teaches children how to understand world events

Teaching history helps students to develop critical thinking and analytical abilities. Through learning about the past, students learn how to evaluate sources of information, analyze data, and discern trends. Students who learn history are also able to recognize patterns in the past and predict future occurrences. They gain knowledge that allows them to formulate opinions about the present and plan for the future. As a result, history lessons enable students to think critically and objectively about the world around them. Students become better citizens.

2. Learning history develops a sense of responsibility

History is one of the most relevant subjects to every child. By studying history, kids gain an understanding of the lives of previous generations.

They learn about the struggles and triumphs of the past. They realize that success does not belong solely to the elite. Rather, everyone has a role to play in society. Read Also: 5 Biggest Problems of Private Schools In Africa. Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

Children who study history learn that they cannot live without taking care of each other, the environment, and the country. Through learning history, they develop empathy and respect for others. They understand that if everybody works together, no single person is left behind. History gives us insight into what inspires individuals to contribute positively to their communities. The importance of history cannot be overemphasized.

If we don’t pay attention to history, we will fail to appreciate the ways in which humanity has progressed. As a result of this, we will not develop a strong sense of nationalism. Our nation will remain divided.

3. History helps us develop critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is an essential skill for success in life. Critical thinking involves analyzing information critically and using logic to reach conclusions. Without critical thinking skills, we may become victims of propaganda. Propaganda is false information used to persuade others to believe something.

Propaganda is often used by politicians to win elections. Politicians use propaganda to convince voters that their opponents are bad people. They tell lies about their opponents’ character, background, and beliefs. They say things like “He is corrupt”, “She is greedy”, “He wants to destroy the country”, “His policies will ruin the economy”, etc.

These statements are untrue. But they are effective because they appeal to emotions rather than facts. When we hear these kinds of statements, we tend to believe them because they sound convincing. Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools.

However, we shouldn’t trust everything we hear. We should think critically and evaluate whether the statement is true or not. A good example of propaganda is the claim that President Buhari is stealing money from the treasury. President Buhari was elected president in 2015. He won the election fairly and squarely. Since then, he has done nothing wrong. There is no evidence that he stole any money. However, this is not enough to justify the evidence that his government was unproductive. 

4. History helps us appreciate the culture

Culture is the set of values, customs, traditions, and practices shared by a group of people. Culture influences behaviour and attitudes.

People who live in certain cultures behave differently than those living in other cultures.

For example, people in Western countries eat meat, drink alcohol, watch television, listen to music, and go out to parties. People in African countries do none of these things.

People in interior Africa eat mainly vegetarian foods such as beans, rice, and vegetables. They rarely drink alcohol. They don’t watch TV or listen to music. And they don’t go to nightclubs. Instead, they spend their evenings praying, reading religious books, and talking to each other.

Some Africans don’t have cars or air conditioning. Instead, they ride bicycles or walk everywhere. 

Many people in Africa believe that God created the universe and human beings. Some people believe that humans came from trees. Others believe that humans came from animals, so many things. These are cultures that they believe in. All of these beliefs are part of their cultural heritage.

Why History Should Be Brought Back to Nigerian Schools

5. Teaching history fosters national unity 

History provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the progress made in different parts of the world. We learn about the achievements of diverse ethnic groups. We see how people from different regions and social classes struggled to survive. This further goes to strengthen diplomatic ties within countries because they understand themselves through what has happened before. 

6. Teaching history promotes good citizenship

Every citizen has a duty to contribute to the development of his/her community. In order to achieve this goal, he/she needs to know the history of his/her country. Studying history helps citizens understand the roots of societal structures and values. Thus, they appreciate the traditions and customs that define their culture. Citizens learn from history and apply this knowledge to improve the quality of their daily lives.

As a result:

  • They take pride in being proud Nigerians.
  • They feel motivated to contribute to the growth of their society.
  • They identify with the country’s cultural heritage.

Above all teaching, history can promote positive attitudes among students. It instils patriotism and love for Nigeria.



Teaching history is crucial for preparing students for the challenges of the modern era.

In today’s global economy, it is essential that we equip students with the skills needed to succeed in the 21st-century workplace.

By teaching history, we ensure that students learn about the contributions of previous generations. They learn about the successes and failures of their forefathers and ancestors. Hence, we prepare students for the next generation. Our youth need to know their history so they can make informed decisions.