Latest Gele Styles for Your Occasions – Gele Styles Trending Now
Got a wedding to attend? Have you gotten your Aso-Ebi? Great! Any plans to rock a Gele? If yes, you need to see the best Gele styles in this article. Latest Gele Styles in 2022 for Your Occasions – Gele Styles Trending Now.
These days, it’s become a trend for Nigerian women to add a Gele to their lace Aso-ebi look. And this trend didn’t start today. We have the Yoruba women of Nigeria to thank for that. It was (and still is) their number one add-on for iro and buba and aso-oke.
When I was a kid, I remember my mom had a Gele for almost all her native outfits, especially the ones made with lace, george, brocade, or Ankara. And anytime she donned iro and buba, she added a gele to complete the look as a Yoruba woman would.
Even though styles have evolved over the years, one thing remains: African women aren’t dumping this headwear anytime soon. And to prove this, just visit the social media and type Gele styles, you will see pictures of brides and their friends posing while rocking beautiful gele styles.
If you have a traditional social event coming up, you shouldn’t be an exception. So, let’s see these gele styles that will ensure you steal the show at any wedding even if you’re not the bride.
What is Gele?
Some people over here may not know what Gele is. I mean some Igbo folks; especially those who have not been to the Yoruba land.
Gele is the Yoruba language for headgear. It is a form of sophisticated head-tie made of gorge and Ashoke. All tribes use headgear but the Yoruba tribe make Gele version and make it part of Owambe attires.
Any party you attend in Yoruba land without seeing ladies wearing Gele, look around again for the country you are in. And recently, it is now part of Traditional marriage in Nigeria both for the Igbos.
But first, why should you even don this headgear? It’s not compulsory, is it? So, why? Let’s find out together.

As you already know, gele is a stylish headgear that complements the native wears for women. It comes in different types and fabrics. Some are stoned, some are glittery, some are flowery, some are plain, while others come with other details.
As I said earlier, things have changed now. Women are more deliberate about this headwear, not necessarily to dis. class during events but to elevate their look since it’s an accessory.
And if the outfit is for a wedding, most times, it’s the bride who makes the gele choice for her girls. And when this happens, you don’t have to do much. You only have to buy it, learn how to tie a gele, or find someone to do it for you.
Latest Gele Styles in 2021 for Your Occasions – Gele Styles Trending Now
Reasons for Wearing Best Gele Styles

Even though it’s not compulsory to add a gele to your native wear, doing so helps you:
1. To Look More Beautiful and Exceptional

This is obvious, right? Once you’ve figured out your best gele styles and you go for the one you want, you’ll look more beautiful.
It gives you this African queen look and further accentuates your outfit. You should rock a gele whose colour complements the colour of your dress. Even if they aren’t the same colour, just make sure they complement each other.
2. Cover-up During a Bad Hair Day

If you know the flaws in the woman’s body Gele is covering, you will appreciate it more. Imagine the wedding is drawing close and you’ve not had time to do your hair. What do you do when a wig isn’t available?
Simple. Wear this headgear. It’ll come in handy when you’re having a bad hair day without diminishing your style.
What’s more, nobody will notice your hair. Your Gele style will mesmerize them and propel them to appreciate your beauty.
What is more, Gele covers bad hairdos. That is more reason you should go for it for your occasion if your hairs are not made.
3. Complete Your look

Rocking any of the beautiful gele styles is a good way to complete your native attire. It’s like crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s.
Latest Gele Styles in 2021 for Your Occasions – Gele Styles Trending Now

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