Why is there no Mosquito in America? Do Mosquitoes Exist in America?
Hello guys, today we would be writing about something which we might all have thought about. Growing up in areas filled with stagnant and dirty water, which yields the effective breeding of the parasitic insect, the Mosquito, one may wonder if they exist in other first world countries like America, China, Germany, and the rest of them. We are not sure which is which. So, we are posing double questions for this topic; Why is there no Mosquito in America? Do Mosquitoes Exist in America?
With the level of development in the country of America and other first-world countries, one may wonder if mosquitoes exist in those countries or if biologists in those countries have figured a way to make mosquitoes go extinct over there.
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What are Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are little insects that belong to the family Culicidae which contains 3600 species of little flies. They have one pair of wings, three pairs of hair-like long legs, a long mouth part, and a slender body.
This insect is one of the insects and animals that exist everywhere in the world. And, just like any other country in the world, mosquitoes exist in America. In fact, research has it that, over two hundred (200) species of mosquitoes can be seen in the United States of America.
One may wonder why there are so many species of mosquito in the United States and yet there are not as so many cases of mosquito-borne diseases in America as in Africa. This is because out of the two hundred species of mosquitoes that exist in the United States, only 12 species actually transmit diseases. You may see: Coming to America Movie – The Review.
Aside from the twelve species of mosquitoes that actually spread diseases in the United States of America, the remaining one hundred and eighty-eight (188) species only bother and disturb people. These mosquitoes, which only bother and disturb people, are known as Nuisance mosquitoes.
These Nuisance mosquitoes do not spread germs. The only species that spread disease are the remaining twelve species that make up the two hundred species of mosquitoes that exist in the United States of America.
A lot of mosquito species feed on a lot of organisms. They feed on mammals, reptiles, some fishes, birds, and amphibians.
Why is there no Mosquito in America? Do Mosquitoes Exist in America?
There is a mosquito in America. Yes! Mosquitoes do exist in America. However, the effect is quite different from the ones we have in Saharan African. For example, the type of mosquitoes in America does not transmit Malaria parasites to the people who are exposed to its bite.
There are many factors responsible for that. Number one is the temperature, the climate, and the level of hygiene maintained in the First world country. Number 2 is the factors affecting the ability of a mosquito to transmit diseases are: The type of germ which is to be transmitted by the mosquito.
Again, the environmental conditions. For example, temperature. The amount of germ which exists inside the mosquito. This factor depends on the number of germs the mosquito had consumed during a blood meal from an infected host. How long the mosquito has lived. See what Bible Says about Trump and the End Time
All of these are what make the mosquitoes in Nigeria different from the mosquitoes in America. As we go deeper into the discussion, we shall be revealing further details on Mosquitoes and America.
Life Cycle of Mosquitoes
The mosquito has four important stages of its life. These stages can also be called their life’s cycle. The life cycle of a mosquito includes:
- The egg stage
- The larva stage
- The pupa stage and
- The adult stage.
Mosquitoes lay its egg on the water surface. This is the reason why health experts advise that we should ensure that we keep no stagnant water around us. If there must be, we should ensure that we close them properly.
Species of Mosquitoes in America
A lot of mosquito species exist in the world today. Out of the numerous amount of mosquitoes that exist, we would be writing about very few of them.
- Aedes aegyptimosquito
- Culex quinquefasciatusmosquito
- Culex tarsalismosquito
- Anopheles quadrimaculatusmosquito
- Anopheles freeborni
How Mosquitoes Get Infected and Spread
Mosquitoes can get infected with a particular disease while feeding on an infected host. As they suck the blood of their hosts with their proboscis (their long mouth part), they get infected with the disease which is in their hosts (mosquitoes spread only diseases that can grow and multiply within their body. Hence, it does not spread every disease with which it is infected).
These diseases which they have been infected with would be transferred to their future hosts. Also, the mosquito’s saliva, which is transferred to the host as it feeds on it, causes an itchy rash on its hosts.
Common Diseases Spread By Mosquitoes in America
- West Nile Virus (WNV): This is a virus that is usually transmitted to people, birds, and horses.
- La Crosse Encephalitis (LCE): This is a mosquito-borne viral disease that is caused mainly by the bite of the Tree Hole Mosquito. It is usually seen in people, horses, and birds. It is usually seen in children of four to five years of age.
- Jamestown Canyon Virus (JCV): This virus is similar to the La Crosse Encephalitis viral disease. One of the major dissimilarities between this virus and the LCE viral disease is that this disease can infect any person irrespective of age group and can also be transmitted by a lot of species of mosquito and not just the Tree Hole Mosquito.
Factors affecting the ability of a Mosquito to transmit Diseases
The factors affecting the ability of a mosquito to transmit diseases are:
- The type of germ which is to be transmitted by the mosquito
- Environmental conditions. For example, temperature.
- The amount of germ which exists inside the mosquito. This factor depends on the number of germs the mosquito had consumed during a blood meal from an infected host.
- How long the mosquito has lived.
How Mosquitoes are Controlled in America
In advanced countries like America, mosquitoes and other parasitic insects are controlled in a lot of ways. Some of these ways include:
By the use of insecticides:
This is one of the most popular methods of controlling mosquitoes. This method is not just popular but also effective. It involves the spraying of chemicals that kill the insects when they come in contact with the insects.
Mating of sterile male mosquitoes:
In a lot of advanced countries, male mosquitoes are captured and then treated to remove their ability to spread hence making them sterile. When this is done, these sterile males are then released in quantum to mate with female mosquitoes. These female mosquitoes then lay eggs which later develops into mosquitoes that cannot spread diseases.
The use of mosquito nets:
The use of mosquito nets is a method of preventing mosquito bites which are now considered local in most advanced countries.

Despite the fact that it is described as local, it is one of the most effective methods of preventing mosquito bites. This method involves sleeping inside a treated mosquito net. This net prevents mosquitoes from coming in to bite the person who is inside.
Why is there no Mosquito in America? Do Mosquitoes Exist in America?
The sum of the findings we made is that there are mosquitoes in America. Yes, mosquito exists in America – the Whiteman country. The only difference is it has a mild effect on the people over there due to some factors we have listed in the body of the article.