Since I was born till now, I am yet to see this type of goat. After reading this story and watching the video, you will agree with me that the goat is not an ordinary goat.
People call it “a detective goat on duty”. It is not far from it. Another person said; “bad goat! Them send this goat to this man“. That is also correct. What else can I say?

The man you see in the image is a beggar who was forming cripple. He had a special spot where he normally squatted to beg for arms. Until his cup filled. This cup foiled his game.
The gods remembered him and sent little crazy demon to him in form of a goat to disgrace him. He fought with the goat continuously with all his muscle until he got tired.
What surprised me about all this drama was that the goat is a female goat. It has no horn. In all these melodrama, the goat never hit him directly. But yet the beggar was unsettled and restless.
He fought the goat until he stood up and walked. A crippled beggar walked suddenly. The miracle was wrought by a goat.
It is a weird world! The best detective award goes to this animal. Or, what do you think?
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