Category: RELIGION Religion Category
This category is dedicated to Religion. That is everything about religious news.
“A MOTHER IN ISRAEL” Judges 5: 7
The theme of the women’s church conference this year 2020 is chosen on this topic: “A Mother in Israel” Judges 5: 7. God has a great plan this year, He also has an important message for the women of this generation with inference to Deborah the prophetess and judge.
I was given a revelation earlier this year concerning the theme for this conference in the form of “a woman God uses”. In our Mothering Sunday week, God used a sister to open our eyes to the topic in another dimension.
As I penned down this theme, hardly had I know that a great war (Covid-19) would come in the land, an invisible warrior; a warrior that may prove to be stronger than David of our time. This warrior has defeated the globalist powers. The warrior has superior knowledge that the world academia. This war came in form of a virus and was later declared a pandemic. Religion Category